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Shambala Festival 2024

The Waiting Room


Ahoy! Are you ready for the voyage of a  lifetime? The open sea awaits the imminent departure of Waiting Room Cruises’ flagship ship…The S.S. Wait Britain! (Weather permitting).

Our ears have been locked to the shipping forecast, the bar has been stocked with tiny umbrellas, the glitterball has been polished and the seagull poo scrubbed off the sun loungers. And, having waited longer than you can imagine, our delightfully eclectic Cruise Crew have been ironing their neckerchiefs, ready to begin their training the moment you arrive.

Our ultra-exclusive cruise excludes no one. Honeymooners, gamblers, upper and lower deck occupiers, drinkers, dancers, babies, lone travellers and rowers. What unites us all, passengers and crew alike, are the dreams we sail towards. And seasickness.

Onboard entertainment? We have under-rehearsed, over-confident acts bursting from our portholes. And if all else fails, there’s always the Macarena.

So if raucous relaxation and waiting for the next thing is your thing, get on board the S.S. Wait Britain!

Waiting begins now.

Boarding will commence at 7pm Friday subject to meticulous random boarding processes.

Special guest bands begin at 12am

The Waiting Room Cruises’ resident DJ’s bang it out from 1am – 5am.

(All left standing will be expected to scrub the deck!)

Disclaimer: Expect delays, all departures weather permitting and subject to ongoing trouble in the engine room.

What's on at The Waiting Room