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Toilets & Showers

We have many accessible toilets around the festival site. For locations see the map on the app. Not all units have a tap located nearby so it is a good idea to bring hand sanitiser in case. All accessible units will be locked with RADAR padlocks, so don’t forget your RADAR key. We lend out keys for the weekend for a £10 deposit, however we only have a limited number so please reserve one in advance by filling in the Accessibility Application Form.

There is an accessible shower in the ACA.

Larger Print Maps and Timetable

We have large print versions of the site map and timetable available at the ACA and the Info Point.

BSL Interpretation

We have BSL interpreters at the festival. If you would like to book interpretation of specific acts or workshops, let us know in advance by filling in the accessibility application form or emailing


We supply a medical fridge and safe storage in the Medical Tent. You cannot book a space in the fridge in advance. Please bring your medication in a clearly labelled container and you will be asked to sign it in and out.

Even if you do not need to use our storage facilities, if you have any serious health issues or have brought medical equipment with you, please come to visit us and the medical crew so that we are aware of where you are camped and how we can help you should the need arise.

Accessibility Aid Recharging

There is a recharge tent in the Accessible Camping Area (ACA) for all accessibility and medical aids. You do not have to be camped in the ACA to use this facility, just come to visit the Accessibility Team in the ACA and we will give you and your PA a wristband so that you can come in whenever you need to.

Accessible Parking & Transport Assistance

If you would like to reserve a parking space in the accessible parking area, please apply using the Accessibility Application Form.

We offer buggy lifts to disabled people who

  • are arriving by coach / train / taxi, or
  • are parked in the Accessible Car Park and NOT camped in the ACA, or
  • are arriving at a different gate in artist transport

We will give priority to those who have booked in advance. Waiting times for those who have not booked are likely to be long.

We can only do one trip per booking, so PA’s and friends may need to walk. Unfortunately, the buggies used to provide transport assistance are not wheelchair accessible.

Specific time slots for return trips for the Monday morning can be booked in with your buggy driver when you are arriving at Shambala. Please be aware that there are limited timeslots. Likewise, if you are not ready at the agreed time then the driver will need to go to their next booking.

Wheelchair Accessible Coaches and PA Coach Tickets

The coach companies that Shambala use offer wheelchair accessible seats on their coaches. If you are a wheelchair user and would like to book a coach sustainable travel option, please email 

If you are entitled to a PA ticket and come by coach, your PA will also get a free coach ticket. Please apply using the Accessibility Application Form.