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Last updated on 10th February 2025


Please read all the information below carefully. We may amend these Terms & Conditions from time to time. Certain provisions of these Terms & Conditions may be superseded by expressly designated legal notices or terms: (a) located on particular pages at the website; or (b) notified to you, from time to time. You should check the website from time to time to review the current Terms & Conditions, as they are binding.

This is where we explain what you agree to through process of purchasing and receiving confirmation of your tickets for Shambala Festival 2025 (the Festival). This includes conditions of entry to site, site rules, use of images, terms of refund and deadlines. Terms and conditions do not affect your statutory rights.

The Ticket Sellers (TTS) are our sole primary ticket agent for Shambala Festival. Refunds are available via TTS on all tickets (except where expressly sold as “non-refundable”) up to 4 weeks ahead of the opening day of the Festival (Midnight 23rd July).

Contact via:

No other body is authorised to sell or resell tickets. Tickets will not be valid unless purchased from TTS. Please see the “Cancellation, Misuse, Refunds and Resale” section below for more information.

All tickets to the Festival are sold as personal and revocable licenses on behalf of Kambe Events Ltd. Kambe Events Ltd reserves the right to change all, or any, arrangements concerning Shambala Festival without notice, nor with any obligation whatsoever to refund.

The event dates for Shambala Festival 2025 are from Thursday 21st of August to Monday 25th August 2025.

Provisionally the site and campsites open at midday on Thursday and all public must leave the site by midday on Monday. More detailed information and confirmation of opening times will be sent to ticket holders ahead of the event.

The purchase and retainment of tickets beyond the ticket launch date (3rd October 2024) of Shambala Festival 2025 constitutes an acceptance by the purchaser and entrants of these terms and conditions, and an undertaking on the part of ticket holders to observe them.

In the event of any breach of these terms & conditions, Kambe Events Ltd, it’s staff and agents reserve the right, to cancel tickets, to refuse admission, to remove the holder, or to confiscate offending articles, as the case may be, and in any case, to retain any monies paid for the relevant ticket(s).

Kambe Events Ltd reserves the right to refuse admission, charge additional surcharges if the incorrect ticket has been purchased, and may conduct security searches of persons and belongings, on entry to the event, to meet our duty of care and licensing conditions.

Kambe Events Ltd reserves the right to cancel tickets purchased for any reason.


All tickets are sold subject to availability and at the prices listed on the ticket page, via our sole agent TTS.

Tickets are subject to agent booking fees and transaction charges applied by TTS. The quantity of any and all tickets available and the volume that may be purchased by customers may be restricted wholly at the discretion of Kambe Events Ltd.

Ticket(s) will be confirmed via email from our sole agent TTS. The actual event e-tickets (and any applicable routing passes associated with the purchase of vehicle tickets) will be sent by email on the 28th July 2025.

If there is a change of email address subsequent to ticket purchase, it is the purchaser’s responsibility to update their TTS account details with the ticket agent, to ensure receipt of e-tickets.

All entrants to Shambala Festival 2025 must be within the correct age bracket of tickets on the opening date of the Festival (21st August 2025). Identification checks will be in operation, refusal of entry or surcharges may be applied should a patron hold the wrong ticket type upon arrival to site.

Shambala is taking active steps to improve inclusivity and diversity – we want everyone to feel welcome and able to enjoy the festival. Data will be gathered at the point of sale (with TTS) that will help us understand our audience breakdown, shape the event and measure our progress. This data will be treated in accordance with GDPR regulations and our Privacy Statement.

Personal insurance is available to all attendees (XCover) at the point of sale. The purchase of this product, or any such insurance product is at the discretion of patrons. Individuals must assess the appropriateness, validity of specific terms and conditions of insurance cover provided by XCover and any other similar third-party products available for their own personal circumstances. The Festival nor Kambe Events cannot accept any responsibility or liability for any lack of compensation for individuals inability to attend the Festival should it go ahead.

Adult Tickets:

There is a cap on the amount of adult tickets you can buy at each tier, as follows:

  • A maximum of 2 x Young Adult tickets can be purchased
  • A maximum of 4 x Tier 1 tickets can be purchased
  • A maximum of 6 x Tier 2 tickets can be purchased
  • A maximum of 6 x Tier 3 tickets can be purchased

All types of adult tickets for the Festival in 2025 provide full access for the duration of the event and are sold in three tier price brackets, with instalment options available for all – allowing the purchaser to split payment over several months.

In order to help prevent fraudulent activity, all types of tickets must be named as part of the booking process and contact details must be provided upon request. It is essential attendees supply unique details for each person ticket. An email address, phone number and name for every adult attending is required.

Once you have entered your “names on tickets” all details are editable by logging into your TTS account up to the point of redemption of any particular e-ticket. It is essential that all details are checked and regularly updated.

All environmentally conscious travel option tickets, at all tiers (and including instalment versions) have a reduced entry price. Please only buy these tickets if you intend to adhere to the terms and conditions of these ticket types. Accurate capacities for vehicles and associated areas of the site are essential for planning, and entry will likely be refused if you do not adhere to the additional terms of entry, as below;

Shambala Express adult tickets include a £50 discount at all ticket tiers but must be purchased in conjunction with Shambala Express coach tickets. The discounted adult ticket is only valid if you arrive on a Shambala Express coach. Shambala Express adult tickets cannot be used or bought in conjunction with train station shuttle bus services. If a Shambala ticket holder does not arrive to the Festival on the coach, right of admission may be refused, or a significant surcharge applied at the gate.

Shambala Rail Traveller adult tickets are again discounted by £50 at each tier. These tickets must be purchased in conjunction with a £10 return Rail Station Shuttle Bus ticket. Rail Station Shuttle Bus services operate on a rolling basis from both Market Harborough & Long Buckby rail stations. The discounted adult ticket is only valid if you arrive on Rail Station Shuttle Bus and a valid rail ticket for the same day as entry to the event, to either Market Harborough, or Long Buckby rail stations, must be shown at the gate. Should a Rail Traveller ticket holder arrive to the Festival without the required proof of rail travel, or not via the Shuttle Bus service, admission to the Festival may be refused, or a significant surcharge applied at the gate.

The Market Harborough & Long Buckby shuttles operate to the festival on both the opening day of the event, Thursday 21st & Friday 22nd August, with a return journey to the station on Monday 25th August.

The shuttle bus from either station is free for under 16s, with no prior booking required for this age group. Under 16s may be required to show proof of age.

The Rail Station Shuttle Bus service will be open to other, non Rail Traveller adult ticket holders. Tickets may be purchased in advance or on the day, but on the day prices may be higher. The shuttle service will operate on a first come first served rolling basis.

All patrons and adult ticket holders are responsible for all aspects of their rail travel and arrangements. The Festival can not accept any liability for disruptions to these arrangements whatsoever.

The Shambala Cyclist adult tickets also include a £50 discount at all tiers and must be purchased in conjunction with the booking of a Red Fox Cycling Guided Ride to Shambala. All Shambala Cyclist Adult ticket holders must arrive with an official Red Fox tour and bring proof of their tour booking to the event. If a cyclist ticket holder does not arrive to the festival as above, right of admission may be refused, or a surcharge applied at the gate.

A Young Adult ticket is available for persons aged 18 to 25 years inclusive. All entrants to using this ticket type must be within the correct age bracket on the opening date of the Festival (21st August 2025). Identification checks will be in operation, refusal of entry or surcharges may be applied should a patron not be with the correct age bracket.

Instalment Plan Tickets:

Instalment plans are available on all types of adult tickets at all tiers and including all Cyclist, Rail Traveller, Shambala Express and Young Adult tickets types.

All instalment plan tickets are sold as non-refundable tickets due to the external administration of payment plans and costs involved. Strict terms and conditions apply, please read carefully before purchasing.

For our first release of instalment plan tickets, an initial down payment is required that includes all booking fees, followed by 9 further payments on the on 07/11/24, 05/12/24, 02/01/25, 06/02/25, 06/03/25, 03/04/25, 08/05/25, 05/06/25, and 03/07/25.

The deadline for securing instalment plan tickets under these terms is midnight 06/11/24.

The amount paid per instalment will differ, depending on ticket tier and type selected. Please see the ticket page and ticket descriptions for all pricing information.

All instalment plans are automated. You buy the initial ticket with future payments deducted from your nominated account on the specified dates. You must keep your card and email details up to date in your TTS account. It is your responsibility to validate the send address in your email account so you receive notifications.

If there are insufficient funds in your nominated account, or your payment card details have changed and you have neglected to update them in your TTS account, and an instalment is missed, you will have defaulted on the terms, and the banking facility is also automatically and permanently terminated (this is beyond Kambe’s, or our ticket agents control).

TTS will send you a reminder email a week before each payment is due. It is your responsibility to keep your email address up to date on the TTS site and check all your inboxes including spam folders.

If a payment cannot be taken for any reason you will be sent an email alerting you. You then have until 48 hours before the next payment is due to make the missed payment manually. Please log in to your ticket account and contact TTS directly.

Unfortunately if you are unable to do this your tickets will be invalid and all payments up to that point will be lost.

To update any card details prior to a payment deadline, please log into your account and click ‘Update payment details’.

Accessible Ticketing:

Free Personal Assistant (PA) Adult tickets are available to attendees on PIP, DLA (middle or higher rate allowances), CredAbility Access Card, evidence of being registered severely sight impaired and a recognised Assistance Dog ID Card. Proof of DLA, PIP, Credibility Access Card or Assistance Dog ID card must be provided in advance and on entry to the festival.

Free PA Tickets need to be applied for once standard attendee tickets have been purchased, using the link on the “Personal Assistant” accessibility page. PAs are expected to travel and arrive with the person they are supporting. For further information please contact

Eligibility for a PA Ticket does not necessarily entitle purchasers to a space in the Accessible Camping Area (ACA) and associated vehicle parks. The ACA is provided for those with mobility and/or other specific needs, you can apply for this via the Accessibility Application Form.

Free ACA vehicle tickets may also be applied for (Standard ACA Campervans 6m x 7m, Large ACA Campervans 6m x 10m and Accessible Parking Car Pass). Any person on PIP, DLA (middle or higher rate allowances), CredAbility Access Card, evidence of being registered severely sight impaired and a recognised Assistance Dog ID Card. Proof of DLA, PIP, Credibility Access Card or Assistance Dog ID card wanting to bring a camper van, caravan or car, free of charge, to the Accessible Camping Area, must again make an application via the link on the ACA page.

Free ACA vehicles tickets are valid for the ACA area only and not the wider site. Those eligible for free ACA vehicle tickets are not required to purchase a vehicle pass in advance and ‘upgrade’. However, spaces are limited and issued on needs-based assessment and first come first served basis. ACA tickets and spaces, like all tickets, are subject to availability

The is a final cut off for applying for all types of PA & ACA tickets, both public and crew, is the 1st August each year.

Mobility scooters may be provided under specific terms and conditions. For any further information and assistance please email

Please note our accessibility coordinator is a part-time post, please be patient in awaiting a response or use Shambala’s alternate communications channels.

Child & Teen Tickets:

  • Teen (15 – 17 years)
  • Child (5 – 14 years)
  • Under 5yrs (0 – 4 years)

All age conditions, on all ticket types, apply to the day of opening of Shambala Festival, not the date of ticket purchase. Photographic proof of identification may be required and must be either a Driver’s License, Passport, or part of the PASS Scheme –

Admission may be refused, or surcharges applied, if you arrive at the event with tickets of the wrong age bracket for the holder.

Teen tickets are valid for ages 15 to 17 inclusive ONLY. The lead adult purchaser is the assumed guardian and responsible adult for any under 18’s they purchase tickets for. Proof of age will be required at the gate on entry – see below for accepted ID.

Teen tickets may only be purchased with, or in addition to an existing order of adult tickets, by an adult of 30 years or older. A maximum of two Teen tickets and a total of three minors (persons under 18) per qualifying adult may be purchased. All teens must be accompanied by their associated guardian upon entry to the festival.

Child tickets are valid for ages 5 to 14 inclusive. The lead adult purchaser is the assumed guardian and responsible adult for any under 18’s they purchase tickets for. Proof of age may be required on entry – see below for accepted ID. Child tickets may only be purchased with, or in addition to an existing order of adult tickets, by an adult of 21 years or older. A maximum of three Child tickets per qualifying adult may be purchased. All children must be accompanied by their associated guardian upon entry to the festival.

Under 5 tickets are free of charge and valid for ages 0 – 4 years inclusive. Under 5’s tickets must be booked and registered in advance.

In the case of Teen, Child and Under 5s tickets, the minor’s name and emergency contact should be entered, but it is acceptable for parents / guardians onsite to use their own.

Loco Parentis: In case of emergency, we need to ensure that we are able to care for under 18’s in their best interests and that may require us to take action immediately, for example medical treatment for a minor. Treatment may require permission from a legal guardian. It is the lead ticket purchaser’s responsibility for all tickets purchased for those aged under 18, to ensure that a person is identified as the responsible adult via the ticket system. This is done by associating the responsible adult for each under 18 ticket in the order, during the process of adding names and contact information to tickets, and the responsible guardian must:

  1. be ‘loco parentis’ for that child whilst at the festival site (this means they are legally entitled to make decisions for that child) in emergencies,
  2. have been given permission by the legal guardian of the child to act as loco parentis in emergencies,
  3. be available throughout the festival on the phone number provided on the ticket system.

You agree to these conditions as part of the ticket buying process.

Recycling Bond Deposit Tickets:

It is a requirement that all orders which include an adult ticket(s) have a minimum of one £20 refundable recycling bond ticket. This is regardless of the number of people tickets contained within any particular order. This is mandatory at the ticketing point of sale, but please make sure your order contains a recycling bond to avoid delays and surcharges on the gate.

The Recycling Bond is refundable, upon delivery of a bag of recycling to the designated onsite Recycling Exchange. Please note that bags with recyclable and non-recyclable waste mixed will not be accepted. Instructions on recyclable waste can be found on the website, the festival program, and on the waste bags. A full refund will be provided in the form of a £20 credit or debit card refund to the bookers account.

Those who do not redeem their deposit onsite will forfeit their deposit. It is the ticket holders’ responsibility to be aware of the opening times of the recycling centre, and deposits can only be redeemed onsite by taking the actions outlined above.

Shambala Express Coach Tickets:

All tickets and prices are inclusive of outward and return journeys, to and from the designated departure points. Please see the coach’s information on the Shambala Express page of the website.

Departure points available are:

  • Birmingham
  • Sheffield
  • London
  • Bristol
  • Brighton
  • Manchester

Full price tickets and child tickets for children under 15 years of age (0 -14 inclusive) are available.

All departures to site are on the Thursday of the event opening, with morning departures from all points and selected afternoon departures. It is the purchaser’s responsibility to ensure they have booked the correct departure point and time.

All coaches return from site to their departure points on the Monday after the festival – you are requested to be at the departure point 30 minutes prior to departure. Refunds will not be made if you miss your departure on either leg of the journey, nor does Shambala or Kambe Events Ltd have any obligation to secure alternate travel.

It is expected that Shambala Express travellers will be able to carry all their luggage personally. Luggage space is limited, and our coach stewards will refuse excessive baggage. Please pack sensibly – no trolleys, wheelbarrows, prohibited items, slabs of beer, bikes, kitchen sinks etc! At the discretion of coach staff and stewards you may be asked to leave luggage behind.

Shambala Rail Station Shuttle Bus Tickets:

A £10 return Rail Station Shuttle Bus ticket is available in advance, for transfers from, and to Market Harborough and Long Buckby rail stations. These shuttle services operate on a rolling first come first served basis with services every 15-60 minutes dependent on demand.

Journey time from Market Harborough to the festival is approximately 20 minutes and approximately 30 minutes from Long Buckby.

The shuttle service to the festival from both stations is available on the opening day of the event, Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd August. All return journeys (included in the £10 advance price of the ticket) to the respective stations on Monday 26th August.

The Rail Station Shuttle Bus service will be open to all. Tickets may be purchased in advance, with or without Rail Traveller tickets, or on the day. Please note tickets bought on the day will be single journeys price £tbc. The shuttle service will operate on a first come first served rolling basis.

Shambala Red Fox Cycling Guided Ride Tickets:

Guided ride tickets must be purchased in conjunction with an adult ticket for the event. A guided ride ticket alone does not provide access to the event. Both, outward bound only cycle journeys and return journey guided cycle tours (with return coach travel and cycle transfer) are available.

Although guided ride tickets are booked via the Shambala website and TTS, Kambe Events (t/a Shambala Festival) are acting as an agent for Red Fox Cycling and all guided ride tickets. All responsibility and liability for the rides rests with Red Fox Cycling.

Kambe Events Ltd / Shambala Festival are acting as a disclosed agent for all guided ride tickets that are provided by Red Fox Cycling. Please see the cycling pages of Shambala’s website the Red Fox website for more information and full terms & conditions.

Departure points available are:

  • Bristol
  • London

Vehicle Tickets:

  • Car Park Pass (5m maximum length vehicle)
  • Camper Van Pitch (5m maximum length vehicle)
  • Large Camper Van Pitch (8m max length vehicle)
  • Accessible Camper Van Pitch (5m maximum length vehicle)
  • Motorbike Pass

All vehicle types require a vehicle ticket to gain entry to the site.

All are sold subject to availability. Please note all vehicle passes are likely to sell out ahead of the event, CamperVans very quickly and cars closer to the event. You may need to make alternative travel arrangements (eg lift shares or shuttle services) to attend if you miss out on vehicle tickets.

Compulsory additional charges apply to car and campervan passes, in the form of donations to balance carbon emissions. These donations are passed directly to Ecolibrium by TTS. A levy of £1.50 is applied for every car pass and £3.00 per camper van pass.

Camper Van pitches are valid for converted live-in vans, or caravans only. All campervan pitches are valid for one camper van (or caravan) and a maximum of one additional tent per pitch only. The vehicle and tent must fit within the pitch area, including guy ropes. All types of cars (including SUVs and pick-up trucks) are not permitted to use Camper Van ticket types, they are strictly not allowed into Camper Van fields. This includes cars with roof top tents. Entry will be refused, refunds for misuse will not be available and surcharges may apply for correct ticketing.

Standard pitches are 6m x 7m and large pitches 6m x 10m. Standard campervan pitches accommodate vehicles (or caravans) up to a maximum length of 5 metres and concurrently large pitches to a maximum of 8 metres.

Cars towing caravans should purchase a campervan ticket. No additional car pass is required, but you will be required to unhitch and park away from the pitch and your caravan.

Family campervan passes, when available, indicate proximity to family provisions, it is not guaranteed there will be no noise.

Once parked, it is not permitted to exit and re-enter with a Camper Van.

It is not permitted that any cars are slept in during the event.

No electricity hook ups are available.

Campervans are loaded sequentially on entry, and we cannot guarantee that you can be placed next to friends who have arrived at a different time. Also, standard and large Camper Van tickets and pitches will located in different areas of the campervan fields.


Prices for programmes sold via our official TTS ticket page are inclusive of a P&P charge. Programmes will be dispatched ahead of the Festival.

Normal consumer rights are not affected.


Kambe Events reserves the right to change any and all arrangements at the Festival, including those relating to payment transactions.

At the Festival, all festival bars, food traders, merchandise points, Public Info and the tobacco kiosk, will accept contactless card payments (including chip and pin processing and mobile phone activated payments such as Apple pay).

Bars, merchandise points, the tobacco kiosk, Family Cafe and Public Info will not accept cash.

Cash may be accepted at other points of sale, such as food outlets, rides and traders at the discretion of the vendor. There will be on-site ATMs at Shambala, but cash-free contactless payments play an important role in improving security and safety for all and simplifying operations. Please choose contactless payments if you can.


It is expected from time to time, that in order to adhere to conditions of licence and maintain the paramount focus of Kambe Events on customer and crew safety, additional measures in relation to communicable disease may be in place for the Festival. The preparation, planning and mitigation of risk will be dynamic. Updates are to be expected, but we draw your attention to the specific and current clauses below.

Whilst we will make every effort to communicate any significant and specific changes to all, we again note it is the responsibility of ticket holders to check for updates to these terms and conditions. This is particularly encouraged ahead of the normal and maintained deadline for refunds – 4 weeks ahead of the event (see the “CANCELLATION, MISUSE, REFUNDS AND RESALE” section below for more information on refunds).

In light of the recent COVID-19 pandemic, and other communicable diseases, you understand that there are particular risks associated with attending any outdoor gathering (including the Festival). We will take reasonable steps to comply with any relevant guidelines intended to reduce the spread of all diseases. We will make you aware of these measures. However, we cannot be responsible for the behaviour or health of other Festival attendees and cannot effectively ensure that no attendees at the Festival will carry disease. Accordingly, we will not be responsible if you catch any disease at the Festival, or for any illness or death of any Festival attendees caused by disease. You understand and accept that you will be attending the Festival and using any facilities on-site at your own risk.

To help us to reduce the spread of any disease we ask that you do not attend the Festival if

    • you have tested positive for a contagious disease,
    • you display any symptoms of a contagious disease,
    • you are otherwise required to self-isolate.

You must follow all guidelines and/or entry requirements notified by us to you and which will apply to your attendance at the Festival. We may be required to amend our guidelines before or during the Festival and ask that you comply with any updated guidelines notified to you.

You must follow all government guidelines concerning any communicable disease (which may be updated from time to time).

You must provide the contact details of all members of your booking party via our e-ticketing platform, to a member of Festival staff as directed upon entering the Festival, or if required download and use of other systems, for the purpose of notifying you where you may have come into contact with somebody who has tested positive for any disease.

You will notify us if you test positive for any communicable disease, after attending the Festival for the purposes of notifying other attendees who may have come into contact with you whilst at the Festival.

You understand that you are fully responsible for all costs incurred in following all guidelines and/or entry requirements, including all government guidelines.

You understand that we have the right, at our complete discretion, to refuse entry to any attendee who we reasonably believe may display symptoms of any communicable disease, or who may not have followed guidelines or entry requirements. You also understand we may require that any attendee leaves the Festival where we reasonably believe that they may not be complying with these terms.

If we are required to exercise these rights in, you acknowledge and agree that we will not be obliged to refund you for your ticket and any other costs you have, or might incur.

If government guidelines mean that we need to operate a reduced capacity at the Festival in order for us to comply with those guidelines, you understand that we have the right, with regret, to cancel your attendance to the Festival. In the unfortunate event that we need to exercise this right, you acknowledge that the tickets that we cancel will be at our complete discretion and based on a ‘last sold, first cancelled’ basis. In these circumstances, we will notify you as early as possible and refund to you the full amount of any tickets cancelled. We will not be liable for any additional costs incurred by you.


Although we will do our best to keep you informed of any cancellation, it is the ticket holders’ responsibility to establish whether an event has been cancelled and the date and time of any rearranged event.

Kambe Events Ltd has no obligation to refund any monies or exchange tickets should the programme be altered, or varied, for any reason. Tickets are sold “subject to licence” approval. In the event of the unforeseen cancellation of the event, tickets may be transferable to a future event.

Only tickets bought via the official Shambala website and issued by our sole primary ticket agent TTS will be valid for the event. Avoid disappointment and fraud – do not buy or sell tickets from anywhere else (social media posts and forums, eBay, Viagogo, Gum Tree etc).

Tickets may not be transferred, refunded or re-sold except via our official ticket agent. Under normal circumstances all Shambala tickets are refundable up to 4 weeks ahead of the opening date of the Festival, except those expressly sold as non-refundable (i.e. instalment ticket types at every tier), or becoming non-refundable under circumstances specified in these terms and conditions.

Any refunds via TTS are for the face value of the tickets only and do not include booking fees. All TTS fees including but not limited to booking, transaction fees and order protect customer insurance arrangements are non-refundable and outside of the scope of these terms and conditions. All ticket buyers should also review the TTS Customer T&Cs.

All ticket and refund enquiries must be directed to our official ticketing partners as applicable to your purchase – The Ticket Sellers.

Kambe Events Ltd reserves the right to refuse resale and or void any tickets at its sole discretion.

If tickets are found to have been listed, re-sold or transferred for profit, or commercial gain on any platform (for example being sold on eBay for more than the original face value), they will be voided, the holder refused entry and all tickets in the purchasers’ order will automatically become non-refundable.

Kambe Events Ltd is unable to accept any liability to replace any tickets lost, stolen, damaged or unauthorised use of e-ticket codes resulting from the sharing (deliberate or accidental) of e-tickets and barcodes by purchasers, after they have been received. Please note once an e-ticket is used or ‘spent’, it becomes invalid and any further persons attempting to use the same e-ticket or barcode will be rejected.

If an event of Force Majeure occurs, which is outside the reasonable control of Kambe Events Ltd, Kambe Events Ltd shall notify the ticket holders specifying the nature, cause and likely effect of the Force Majeure event. Kambe Events Ltd will not be deemed to be in breach of this Agreement (including cancelling the event) where such breach or failure to perform is as a result of a Force Majeure event.

“Force Majeure” means: (a) any cause preventing the Kambe Events Ltd  from hosting or staging the Event (in whole or part) or otherwise from entering the festival grounds due to any unavailability of the festival grounds or any actions or omissions of the festival grounds’ owner; and/or (b) where the following occurs or there exists a real likelihood or material threat of the following occurring: any other event, act, statute rule regulation or act of any government or any other legally constituted authority, non-happening, omission or accident (including without limitation fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic or other natural disasters, acts of God, war (whether declared or not), threat of or preparation for war, terrorist activity, failure of public utilities or civil commotion, royal demise) beyond Kambe Events Ltd’s reasonable control.


Donations made to our Pay It Forwards: Share The Love initiative are used in their entirety to fund festival experiences for folks on low incomes – these recipients are selected via a ballot through our partner, Tickets For Good. Donations made to the Pay It Forwards pot are not tickets of any kind, and making a donation does not give you access to the festival.


Site rules must be observed at all times. Site rules apply to all areas of the event including campsites and car parks.

They also include any published information (via email or on the website), personal conduct guidance i.e. acceptable noise levels and management of waste.

We reserve the right to eject individuals or groups, for the contravention of these site rules, or for any reason whatsoever at the discretion of Kambe Events staff, via the onsite evictions process.

A valid ticket in an individual’s name, corresponding to the correct associated wristband must be worn by all patrons, public, crew and performer. Personal identification must be shown on request.

Anti-social, abusive, violent, threatening or predatory behaviour will not be tolerated. Eviction is at the discretion of Kambe Events Ltd and its staff team.

Shambala Festival and Kambe Events Ltd have a no drugs policy and reserve the right to search and eject anyone suspected of taking illegal substances or infringement of this policy. Our eviction policy also includes the use of nitrous oxide.

Any form of criminality will result in eviction, reporting to the police and any other relevant authorities. This includes theft and criminal damage, such as tagging or vandalism on site.

No glass is permitted on the festival site for safety reasons. Searches will be carried out on entry. Any items which are not allowed into the event should be left in the owner’s car and not brought into the festival. Glass identified during searches on entry will be confiscated and forfeited – this includes foodstuffs.

You may bring limited amounts of alcohol to site. The per adult limit is 16 x 440ml cans of lager/cider/beer OR 18 x 250ml cans of premixed spirit drinks OR 3-litre box of wine OR 7 litres of cider/lager/beer in plastic bottles or cans. Excess alcohol will be confiscated and forfeited. Alcohol can only be brought into the festival on your first entry. There is strictly no re-entry to the festival, with alcohol. 

Smoking is not permitted in enclosed public spaces or buildings including toilets, tents and venues. This includes e-cigs and vapes.

Fires are permitted in campsites if off the ground, as long as they are attended and responsibly managed as per guidance issued. Fires are not permitted in any car parks or entertainment areas.

No animals may not be brought anywhere on site. (Registered assistance animals are an exception to this rule).

The use of drones or similar equipment for any reason is prohibited on or near the event without written permission from Kambe Events Ltd.

Items which you cannot bring to the festival:

  • Glass – We do not allow any glass on site for safety reasons
  • Non-personal or excessive amount of cigarettes and/or rolling tobacco
  • Non-personal or excessive amounts of alcohol – 8 cans of beer / cider per person OR 1 litres of wine (no glass) OR half a litre of spirits is allowed per adult. No bulk items e.g. cases or slabs of cans and keg dispense allowed.
  • Any items with an intention to retail without prior arrangement
  • Nitrous oxide
  • Weapons
  • Sound systems, PA, lighting, projection or special effects equipment without express written approval from Kambe Events Ltd
  • Unauthorised goods with any Shambala logo or branding
  • Body piercing or tattoo equipment
  • Candle flares, without written approval from Kambe Events Ltd
  • Floating sky lanterns
  • Fireworks
  • Generators
  • Lasers
  • Drones or other airborne apparatus
  • Gas bottles larger than 2.75 kg
  • Gazebos in general camping

Items may be confiscated at the discretion of Kambe Events Ltd and its staff. Any confiscated items will be disposed of and cannot be returned post event.


All attendees must adhere to the rules and regulations of the venue, the event organisers (Kambe Events Ltd) and of Shambala Festival.

It is possible that exposure to loud music may cause damage to hearing, please bring your own ear protection.

Please be aware that lighting effects including strobe lighting may be used.

It is the responsibility of attendees to check gate opening and closing times – which may change without notice. Ticket holders will not be admitted outside of these times.

Re-entry of persons is subject to our exit and re-entry system, and re-entry is at the discretion of Kambe Events Ltd and its staff. There is no pedestrian re-entry from midnight to 8am.

Kambe Events Ltd, Shambala Festival and our official agents can accept no responsibility for any personal property. Please do not bring unnecessary valuable items or excessive amounts of cash, as card payments are available on our bars and ATMs are on site.

You understand and accept that you will be attending the Festival and using any facilities on-site at your own risk.

Our photographers and videographers will be on site, capturing images and video recordings of the festival, including the audience. The audience has no rights to these images, and Kambe Events Ltd or any authorised third party is entitled to free use of these images and recordings in any reasonable manner without claim.

We store your personal data when purchasing tickets. This data will be treated in accordance with GDPR regulations and our Privacy Statement. We will not, unless we are legally compelled, release personal data to any third party. We may contact you with Shambala and Kambe related news and information.

Terms and conditions are subject to change at any time. We encourage you to review regularly for any changes.

ROAR – Right of admission reserved by Kambe Events Ltd and Shambala Festival at all times.

All of these terms and conditions are governed by English law. Disputes arising in connection with these Terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

Shambala’s Nudity Policy

Shambala’s policy on nudity aims to balance a supportive approach to an individual’s wish to feel free and safe to choose to be without clothes, and wider considerations about everyone’s comfort and safety. Shambala considers public nudity of a non-sexual manner to be natural. We welcome respectful [adult] nudity in the campsites and main outdoor festival areas in daylight hours, and of course in the Sauna and Spa areas at all times. As part of our general approach to sexual safety, and a commitment to ensuring everyone’s comfort, nudity is not permitted in indoor venues (other than activities such as talks or workshops where attendees are predominantly seated) or dense crowds due to the anonymity these environments provide for those who may not be acting respectfully or within the law.  Adult nudity is not permitted in the Children’s field (Playtopia) and Woodland Tribe areas, nor the Family Camping areas.

Shambala’s Inclusivity Policy

Shambala is taking active steps to improve inclusivity and diversity – we want everyone to feel welcome and able to enjoy the festival. Data gathered at the point of sale with TTS will help us understand our audience breakdown, shape the event and measure our progress.

We want Shambala to be a safer space and strongly believe that everybody has the right to enjoy the festival experience free from harassment, microaggressions, abuse or intimidation. We are committed to ensuring that Shambala is an inclusive space for communities targeted by discrimination such as racism, sexism, transphobia, ableism and homophobia. We welcome feedback on how we can improve on these efforts. Every person who comes to Shambala, be it crew, artists or audience has a shared responsibility to oppose discriminatory behaviour and promote inclusivity. This is a community and everybody is welcome.


Additional services and supplies linked to the festival may be offered by third parties. These are outside of the scope of these terms and conditions, which refer specifically to the tickets on offer through the Shambala website “Buy Tickets” page.

All responsibility and liability for any third-party supplies including but not limited to, boutique camping, spa facilities, onsite vendors and Red Fox Cycling rests with the supplier themselves. Their full T&Cs should be reviewed at the point of sale.