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Liz Ikamba Voice and Body Percussion Workshop

Step into a vibrant, dynamic playground of creativity and expression using voice, movement, and body percussion. Engage in collaborative games rooted in ancient communal singing, liberate your body with movement practices, and explore the joy of spontaneous music-making. Learn Lingala (DRC) songs and harmonies, with an optional chance to perform live as part of Liz’s choir during the festival! Open to all skill levels, this workshop unleashes confidence, forges connections, and reclaims your power through the magic of sound and play. No mistakes, only stepping stones to new discoveries. Just bring your body instrument! A pillow for comfort is optional.

Liz is a performer, songwriter, and experienced vocal and community music leader with over 12 years’ experience, working with people of varied backgrounds and abilities. Her experience as a mixed heritage artist of Welsh, English and Congolese (DRC) descent inspires her to cross-pollinate cultures, artistic forms and traditions. In her workshops she combines skilled leadership in inclusive, creative play, and the safe holding of trauma-informed practice, to invite connection, wellbeing, learning and the unleashing of creative potential.